State Archives in Baden-Württemberg
1. Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg
2. Bundesarchiv
1. Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg
The State Archives in Baden-Württemberg are responsible for the accession, preservation, maintenance and description of the records of the agencies and law courts which belong to their area of responsibility. They also have the obligation to make the records available to the general public. They hold charters (up to 1000 years old) on paper and parchment, files, and registers from the Middle Ages to the present day as well as modern databased information like videos, tapes and CDs. The record groups of earlier centuries in the State Archives are from the secular and ecclesiastical territories and their successor states, which in 1952 became the Land Baden-Württemberg. These records are regularly supplemented by current records which are not needed any longer in the agencies, law courts and other institutions of the Land, but are of permanent historical or legal value. All interested citizens are entitled to get access to these records and to use them for research. For the administration of the Land the archives serve as a kind of memory of the past by making older records available.
Departmental Structure
The State Archives (Staatsarchive ) are supervised by the Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst.
The Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg has a departmental structure. It consists of ten departments and is run by a President.
The locations of the Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg are: Freiburg, Ludwigsburg, Karlsruhe, Kornwestheim, Neuenstein, Sigmaringen, Stuttgart und Wertheim.
The legislation concerning responsibility, tasks, and reference service will you find here in German.
Training and Education
Information about education and training will be given by the Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg. There are regular courses for two different careers of archivists (höherer und gehobener Archivdienst). More information in German.
The Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg issues a lot of publications- among them books about the Land and districts (Landes- und Kreisbeschreibung), surveys of the record groups of the State Archives, inventories for selected record groups and "Werkhefte", which discuss archival problems and the periodical "Archivnachrichten". More information in German.
2. Bundesarchiv
The Bundesarchiv (the central archives of the Federal Republic of Germany) has its headquarter in Koblenz, but there are eight additional departments in other places. Two of them are in Baden-Württemberg: the Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv and the Bundesarchiv-Außenstelle Ludwigsburg. The Bundesarchiv is also responsible for the "Erinnerungsstätte für die Freiheitsbewegungen in der deutschen Geschichte" which is not exactly an archives, but a museum in commemoration of the freedom movements German history. It also lies in Baden-Württemberg - namely in Rastatt.
The Militärarchiv in Freiburg holds records of the Bundeswehr (the Army of the Federal Republic) and the Nationale Volksarmee der DDR (the Army of the former German Democratic Republic) as well as records of the Army of the Kaiserreich (since 1867!), the Republic of Weimar and the Third Reich.
Bundesarchiv-Außenstelle Ludwigsburg
The Außenstelle Ludwigsburg hold the records of the central agency of all Ministries of Justice in Germany (Zentrale Stelle der Landesjustizverwaltung ). The aim of this agency is to shed light upon the crimes of the Third Reich and make the records accessible to the general public.